Quality Improvement and Accreditation
Kootenay Family place has a quality improvement process in place throughout the organization. The quality improvement process is guided by the organization’s commitment to improve outcomes for children and families who receive our services. We utilize proven best practices from the community, other related organizations, and input from stakeholders.
Organization Standards
Strategic Planning
Persons Served
Legal Requirements
Financial Planning
Occupational Health & Safety
Workforce Development and Management
Rights of Persons Served
Performance Measurement and Management
Program Standards
Service Structure
Screening and Access
Individual Planning
Transition and Discharge
Promoting Non-Violent Practices
Records of Persons Served
Quality Records Review
CARF is an international, not-for-profit organization that has accredited human service providers since 1966. For over 58 years, CARF standards have continually evolved through collaboration with providers, consumers, payers and other experts globally. Input from the public, service recipients, providers, surveyors, professional organizations, advocacy groups, funders, and other stakeholders is actively sought through online reviews for proposed new and updated standards.
CARF sends a team of professionals, called surveyors, to visit our programs to evaluate our services against a set of standards. The surveyors consult with staff members, families, advocates, and others who are supported by KFP to collect information on how KFP meets CARF standards.
For more information on CARF International click here.