Infant Development Program – Annual Feedback Survey 2025

Infant Development – Annual Feedback Survey 2025
Please select
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
It was easy for me to get in contact with Kootenay Family Place.
The IDP staff treat my family with respect.
I am comfortable receiving services from IDP.
The support from the IDP has helped me advocate for what my child or my family’s needs.
Because of the IDP, I have a better understanding of my child’s developmental needs and challenges.
Because of the IDP, my child is making progress toward developmental goals.
Because of the IDP, I have increased awareness of other services that are available to my child.
The age range of my child/children is:
My family type includes:
Primary Language
Reason for referral
In what community are you located?

Please include your name and community (optional). Your information is confidential and will only be used to help us improve our services.