
Family Programs

Please check the calendar for up to date information on programming

The Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) is designed to help families address the health, behaviour and developmental needs of children. 

Education, Early Intervention, and Prevention are strong components of the program. CAPC focuses on child development, support, group support and a curriculum based on the 12 Determinants of Health ( ).

If you feel like you need extra support in your parenting journey, you are invited to register for this program by contacting Lynnene Lewis our Neighbourhood House Coordinator.  You will then be invited to participate in a rich, safe, fun, creative learning curriculum for approximately 20 weeks.

For information on the program please contact:

Sarah Courtemanche, Neighbourhood House Manager


Family Resource Drop-In Programs are all over the Province.  They are comfortable, welcoming Drop-In Programs for families and caregivers of preschool children.  Kootenay Family Place Family Resource Program happens every Wednesday morning from 10am to 12pm.  The program offers a safe, age-appropriate environment for children and families, and a space for moms to connect and network with other moms while their children engage in play time, crafts, circle time, stories and a snack.  Parents are encouraged to connect with other families, but especially use the time to connect with their child(ren) through play.  Come and see us on a Wednesday morning!


What you can find
at a Family Resource Program


Family Support

  • Parent-child interactive drop-in
  • Supportive listening
  • Clothing exchange
  • Community kitchens and nutrition education
  • Referrals to other services
  • Help Navigating a new community
  • Resources and Information
  • Developmental Screenings
  • Aboriginal Programming
  • Early Intervention Support

Play-based Learning

  • Creative play / age appropriate toys
  • Toy libraries
  • Child development activities
  • Early childhood intervention
  • Clothing and Toy Swap

Early Literacy, Learning & Care

  • Language development
  • Early literacy programs

Parent Education

  • Workshops and courses
  • Parent support groups
  • Young parent programs
  • ESL for parents / caregivers


  • Home Visiting
  • Coaching servicesFamily preservation
  • Settlement Services
  • Special needs child and family services

 Beautiful Beginnings (CPNP – Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program)

  • Support and Resources for Pregnant and New Parents with newborns up to 1 year old in the Castlegar and Slocan Valley Area
  • Program Manager: Jaycee Clarkson
  • Hours: Tuesday – Thursday 8:30am – 3:30pm
  • We close anytime school is not in session (Spring Break, Winter Break, Summer Holidays). Follow us on Facebook to view our monthly schedules

Welcome to all growing families! The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) aims to support mothers and all parents to be as confident and well informed as possible. Our vision is happy, healthy babies and families comfortably connected in tolerant and resilient communities.

Jaycee offers a weekly drop-in program called Beautiful Beginnings on Tuesdays from 10am – 12:30pm. The drop-in provides a nutritious lunch, opportunities for learning and engagement with relevant topics and, most important, a chance to connect with other new parents in the community.

Also available are prenatal vitamins, high quality infant vitamin D drops, breastfeeding support, hospital-grade breast pumps for lending, a resource lending library, and a maternity and infant clothes closet. One-to-One support is always available. There are many questions and milestones during this transformational time of life. Jaycee can offer an ear, share knowledge on the childbearing continuum, and refer clients to trusted resources and professionals in the community.

Jaycee Clarkson



Welcome!  Are you new to Canada?  Is English your second language?

We’d love to have you join Conversation Club!  Monday mornings from 10am to 12pm we host a diverse group of immigrants and refugees from across the globe.  The focus of the group is to engage each other in the English language, while still sharing and appreciating the diverse cultures that make up our country. 

Mondays can look like a chat about current events, a special cultural cooking day, crafts, stories, dancing, food, conversation and sharing.

Conversation Club is a fun, safe, welcoming space for families to network, make connections and enhance their conversational English.


Our partner in the Conversation Club is the CBAL Settlement Services.   Settlement services aim to provide newcomers with the information they need about Canada and their community.   These services include one to one drop-in support,  group workshops, English classes and conversation groups, a mentorship program, community connections and activities aimed at connecting families with Canadian citizens, employers, community organizations and public institutions.  The CBAL Settlement Worker is available on Mondays at Conversation Club and at the CBAL office on the following:

Mondays: 12:00 – 2:00
Tuesdays: 10:00 – 2:00
Thursdays: 8:00 – 12:00
(250) 687-4714

Be sure to check out our Facebook Page IMMIGRANTS IN THE KOOTENAYS


Kootenay Family Place is a hub of information.  Our Family Connections Coordinator is available to assist and connect families to the programs and services that they are looking for.  These supports are based on the The Ministry for Children and Family Development’s Early Years Framework:

Promoting Inclusion – Early years services should be welcoming to all families including families from diverse cultural backgrounds, families of children with extra support needs, those living with mental health concerns, and others. Families that could benefit from being connected and supported are most often those that commonly feel excluded.

Providing Family Navigation Services – focus on connecting families in need to services that can be of assistance. This is not simply an information service. The provider has a deeper understanding of common family needs and vulnerabilities and helps make effective direct connections. This service is key in ensuring referrals between universal and enhanced supports are made. Services may take the form of: one-to-one-in-person discussion; telephone communication; E-mail or text message communication; case management.

Promoting Community Belonging – Services provide opportunities for parents to share experiences, expertise, guidance and emotional supports with other parents, with the intent of reducing social isolation and promoting community belonging. Services may take the form of: One-to-one peer mentoring; group meetings and gatherings focused on connecting families; phone, e-mail, in person informal opportunities to meet/ share conversations, parent support groups.

Supporting Families Services – focus on addressing the expected or unexpected challenges that a family may face (particularly families with enhanced vulnerability). Services include: provision of language specific information and support; parenting education; provision of food and equipment (e.g. car seat, clothing, housing information); unstructured, safe place to access professionals informally.

Barriers to Access – Anything that prevents a family from accessing a valuable service. For early years services, this could include availability of program, transportation, social stigma, costs, spoken language, cultural appropriateness, or lack of information.

If you are experiencing barriers to any of these supports and/or need a referral, please contact Kyoko Smith at:
