Executive Director August 2023 Survey Executive Director August 2023 Survey Program Area optional LEADERSHIP: * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Clearly articulates and models the organization’s values and mission to the staff, board, funders, clients and community * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don’t Know Leads staff in maintaining a climate of excellence, accountability and respect * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don’t Know Seeks, evaluates and acts upon opportunities for innovation to change, grow and improve * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don’t Know Empowers the board and staff through sharing information and authority * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don’t Know Develops leadership skills in staff through delegation and sharing management and decision-making responsibilities * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don’t Know Inspires others by recognizing and appreciating individual excellence across the organization * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don’t Know Recruits, develops and retains a capable staff and manages its performance effectively through clear job descriptions and expectations, periodic feedback, training and performance reviews * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don’t Know Manages the development and retention of community volunteers necessary to achieve the organization’s mission * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don’t Know Additional comments or suggestions FINANCE AND FUNDRAISING: * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Works with staff, finance committee and the board to prepare budgets, monitor progress and initiate changes as appropriate * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Assures adequate control and accounting of all funds, including maintaining sound financial practices, and complying with all laws and insurance requirements * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Negotiates funding contracts that are of benefit to the agency and fit in with the goals and values of KFP * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Negotiates independent contracts and exempt employment agreements * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Writes grant proposals * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know With the board, develops, implements and monitors a realistic, ambitious fundraising plan that includes funding from grants, corporations or sponsorships, events, and individual and major donors * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Establishes positive relationships with institutional funders including major donors, government agencies, foundations and corporations * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Participates actively in identifying, cultivating and soliciting donor prospects * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Provides timely recognition of all contributors and grants received * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Additional comments or suggestions GOVERNANCE: * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Works with the board to develop strategies for achieving mission, goals and financial viability of KFP * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Provides thorough orientation to board members * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Provides suitable and timely information to the board about key issues for discussion, analysis and decision-making that allows the board to set the agenda and focus on meetings * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Additional comments or suggestions ACCREDITATION: * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Leads the accreditation process * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Ensures that staff take part in the PQI process and keeps staff informed regarding CARF requirements. * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Additional comments or suggestions COMMUNICATION: * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Keeps all staff informed and updated on relevant information. Attends staff meetings as needed. * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Has an open door policy * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Ensures lines of authority are followed re: supervision and informal feedback * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Is prepared for meetings, keeps accurate minutes and reports * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Exhibits professionalism and encourages team building * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Additional comments or suggestions RISK MANAGEMENT: * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Prioritizes work in order to avoid crisis. * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Is cost-effective and promotes productivity * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Is collaborative in decision-making * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Conducts annual evaluations of staff, programs, contractors and board * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Manages difficult situations well * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Ensures the workplace safety and health of facilities and employees * Exceptional Good Improvement Needed Don't Know Additional comments or suggestions Thank You! 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