Supported Child Development – Family Feedback 2025

Supported Child Development – Family Feedback 2025
1. The SCD Program staff treat my family with respect
2. I am comfortable receiving services from SCD
3. How satisfied were you with the availability of your SCD Consultant?
4. The information about SCD services is clear and understandable to me
5. I am satisfied with the level of involvement in the planning of SCD services for my child (i.e. team meetings and goal setting)
6. As a result of the SCD Program, do you feel your child is better able to fully participate in their child care program?

The following demographic information is collected for data/statistics.
Primary Language
Family Composition
Reason for Referral
Age of your child receiving SCD services
Please indicate the area in which you receive SCD services

Please provide your name and contact information if you have any questions or concerns and would like the SCD Program Manager to contact you.