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This tool is designed to help you locate resources in the West Kootenay Boundary Area.
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Search Results

Christa Garcia, Elspiri Counselling Collective

Phone: 778-8697575
Email: info@elspiri.ca
Website: https://www.elspiri.ca/
Communities Serviced: Nelson
Age Range: Youth, Adults
Areas of Practice: Substance use, Mindfulness, Anxiety/depression
Counseling Modalities: Family, CBT, DBT

Christina Clapperton, Divine Alchemy Healing

Phone: 250-899-8030

Website: https://divine-alchemy.ca/
Communities Serviced: Nelson
Age Range: Youth, Adults

Counseling Modalities: EMDR therapy

Christine Clarke, Sea Change Wellness Counselling

Phone: 250-726-3742
Email: info@seachangewellness.org
Website: http://seachangewellness.org
Communities Serviced: Trail
Age Range: Children, Youth, Adults, All Ages
Areas of Practice: Trauma/PTSD, Gender dysphoria/LGBTQ+, Addiction to social media/gaming, Sexual behaviours
Counseling Modalities: Trauma-Trained, Somatic Experiencing, Experiential & Nature-based Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Emotion Focused Family Therapy, CBT, DBT

Christine Parton, Fireside Art Therapy

Phone: 250-513-0373
Email: christine@tinyisland.ca
Website: http://www.firesidearttherapy.ca
Communities Serviced: New Denver/Nakusp, Slocan Valley, Kaslo
Age Range: Children, Youth, Adults, All Ages
Areas of Practice: Trauma/PTSD, Gender dysphoria/LGBTQ+, Abuse/maltreatment, Substance use, Addiction to social media/gaming, Grief, Mindfullness / Eating disorders, Anxiety/depression, Chronic illness, Developmental disability, Intellectual disability, Autism, Parental coaching.
Counseling Modalities: Art and play therapy, Nature therapy

Community Action Program for Children (CAPC), Boundary Family Services

Phone: 250-442-2267, 877-442-5355
Email: info@bfiss.org
Website: http://www.boundaryfamily.org/
Communities Serviced: Grand Forks, Midway / Rock Creek / Beaverdell
Age Range: Adults
Areas of Practice: A group program to offer support, information and education for parents of children birth to 6 years.
Counseling Modalities: Group

Community Integration Program, Boundary Family Services

Phone: 250-442-2267 x40242, 877-442-5355
Email: info@bfiss.org
Website: https://www.boundaryfamily.org/services/child/
Communities Serviced: Grand Forks, Midway / Rock Creek / Beaverdell
Age Range: Children
Areas of Practice: This service provides positive, inclusive, community based programming for children with developmental and/or physical challenges.

Confident Parents: Thriving Kids, Canadian Mental Health Association

Phone: 855-871-8445
Email: confidentparents@cmha.bc.ca
Website: https://welcome.cmhacptk.ca/
Communities Serviced: Castlegar, Trail, Fruitvale, Rossland, Salmo, New Denver/Nakusp, Slocan Valley, Nelson, Grand Forks, Kaslo, Midway / Rock Creek / Beaverdell, Provincial
Age Range: Children, Youth
Areas of Practice: Anxiety, Behaviour Challenges
Counseling Modalities: Phone Based Coaching/ Strengths-Based Parenting Program

Cori Devlin Counsellor

Phone: 250-215-1835

Communities Serviced: Trail
Age Range: Children, Youth, Adults, All Ages

Daly Pavilion – Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital

Phone: 250-364-3484, 866-368-3314

Website: https://www.interiorhealth.ca/YourCare/MentalHealthSubstanceUse/MentalHealth/Pages/default.aspx
Communities Serviced: Castlegar, Trail, Fruitvale, Rossland, Salmo, New Denver/Nakusp, Slocan Valley, Nelson, Grand Forks, Kaslo
Age Range: Adults
Areas of Practice: Adult Mental Health Services & Resources

Dawn Hertz Therapy

Phone: 778-266-0274
Email: rundawnrun@gmail.com
Website: http://dawnhertztherapy.com
Communities Serviced: Castlegar, Rossland
Age Range: Youth, Adults
Areas of Practice: Trauma/PTSD, Grief, Anxiety/depression
Counseling Modalities: Somatic Relational, CBT, DBT

Devon Palmer, Mountain Ridge Psychology

Phone: 250-231-8498
Email: dpalmer@mountainridgepsychology.com
Website: http://mountainridgepsychology.com
Communities Serviced: Castlegar, Trail, Fruitvale
Age Range: Children, Youth
Areas of Practice: Learning Disabilities, Giftedness, Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Behavioural Difficulties, Anxiety, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Depression, Developmental Coordination Disorders.
Counseling Modalities: Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Diverse Family Roots Society

Phone: 250-231-7712
Email: diversefamilyroots@gmail.com
Website: http://www.diversefamilyroots.ca
Communities Serviced: Castlegar, Trail, Fruitvale, Rossland, Salmo, New Denver/Nakusp, Slocan Valley, Nelson, Grand Forks, Kaslo, Midway / Rock Creek / Beaverdell
Age Range: Children, Youth, Adults, All Ages
Areas of Practice: Diverse Family Roots Society is the only grassroots, parent/family-driven support network for families with children or family members with diverse abilities/disabilities that is based in the Kootenays, British Columbia, Canada
Counseling Modalities: Peer-to-peer mentoring, family connections, family support, connection to resources, advocacy, and family navigation of services.

DR. Erica Spink D’Souza

Phone: 613-532-8523

Website: https://www.ravenacupuncture.com/bioerica
Communities Serviced: Slocan Valley
Age Range: Children, Youth, Adults

Dr. Sarah Sherrard

Phone: (250) 777-3017
Email: drsarahsherrard@gmail.com
Website: https://www.drsarahsherrard.com/
Communities Serviced: Castlegar, Trail, Fruitvale, Rossland, Salmo, New Denver/Nakusp, Slocan Valley, Nelson, Grand Forks, Kaslo
Age Range: Children, Youth, Adults
Areas of Practice: Registered Psychologist specializing in a broad range of issues, including depression, anxiety & fears, trauma/PTSD, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), transitional life issues (i.e. bereavement, occupational), chronic pain/illness, stress, anger, relationship issues, and sleep problems.
Counseling Modalities: Evidence-based cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and psychodynamic/attachment approaches.

Early Childhood Development Programs, Boundary Family Services

Phone: 250-442-2267, 877-442-5355
Email: info@bfiss.org
Website: https://www.boundaryfamily.org/services/child/
Communities Serviced: Grand Forks, Midway / Rock Creek / Beaverdell
Age Range: Children
Areas of Practice: A wide variety of programs are offered to meet children, youth and family interests and needs and integrate them with Early Childhood programs so our children have the very best chance at success. These programs include StrongStart, Mother Goose, Alphabet Soup, Parent and Tot Skate, Parent and Tot Swimming and many more.

KB Searchlight is an initiative of the Kootenay Boundary CYMHSU Action Team, coordinated locally by Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice and hosted by partner agency, Kootenay Family Place. Other action team members include families, doctors, mental health counsellors, school administrators, health authority staff, community agencies and more. The Child Youth Mental Health and Substance Use Collaborative is supported by the Shared Care Committee with additional support for specialist participation from the Specialist Services Committee. Both committees are partnerships between Doctors of BC and government of BC.