CARF Day Feedback October 2024 CARF Day Feedback October 2024 Please rate these statements Excellent Good Neutral Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A The amount of material presented Excellent Good Neutral Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A The space/environment Excellent Good Neutral Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A Knowledge of the presenters Excellent Good Neutral Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A My knowledge of the PQI process improved Excellent Good Neutral Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A My knowledge of my program Logic Model improved Excellent Good Neutral Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A There was room for discussion Excellent Good Neutral Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A My understanding of the impact and importance of PQI improved Excellent Good Neutral Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A Overall, the day was a good use of my time Excellent Good Neutral Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A What did you like best about the CARF day? What didn't work for you? My takeaway from the CARF day I would like to know more about.. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ